

June 5, 2024

The 2024 Fragrance Foundation Awards

A digital platform for dialogue about fragrance, and the way that it relates to community and culture.


Michael Edwards, historian and taxonomist, has released American Legends The Evolution of American Fragrances which explores the history of American fragrances. The book features fragrances from Old Spice to Tommy Girl, highlighting the unique trajectory and global influence of the American fragrance industry. Edwards conducted in-depth interviews with perfumers, bottle designers, and fragrance developers to provide readers with comprehensive insights into the creation of these iconic scents.

SCENTS & SENSIBILITY: ALKA JOSHI, An Interview On India’s Legacy In Global Perfumery

Alka Joshi, author of the Jaipur trilogy, captivated the audience at the TFF Awards luncheon in New York City with her speech about her journey in writing her latest book The Perfumist of Paris, which explores the world of haute perfumery. Joshi admitted she knew very little about the fragrance business when she first began writing, but through connections made by the TFF network, she was introduced to industry experts who helped her navigate this unfamiliar territory.


The April issue of ACCORDS marks the beginning of the annual Awards season for TFF. The luncheon was a success with a record number of attendees, including members and media. The event announced finalists for 19 categories and five winners were revealed, creating a dynamic and energetic atmosphere. Jacques Cavallier-Belletrud was announced as the Lifetime Achievement Perfumer, adding to the excitement of the day. Special guests Alka Joshi and Michael Edwards brought personal stories and industry knowledge to the event, making it a memorable occasion. As May begins, Consumer Choice categories will open for public voting, creating anticipation for the finalists and winners who have captured the hearts and minds of consumers.
